44 Daughters was conceived by Sam Montgomery, an artist and singer, who lives in New York City. His Outsider artwork ranges from handmade dolls to pottery and three-dimensional art made from found objects. The 44 Daughters is a project that began when he was a student at a music academy when he made 44 dolls that lived in his dorm room. The dolls represent what it is to be special and unique.
They are all the same, but different, and should be celebrated for who they are and not be judged for how they are different. The Collection has now grown from 44 Daughters to include Sons, Cancer Survivors, Wounded Warriors and Hearts.
Every doll is lovingly handmade by Sam. He draws the patterns for the Dolls, stitches them all by hand, stuffs them, and creates their faces with buttons from his grandmother’s button box and hair from yarn. Each Doll is tagged and numbered to show that it’s an original in the artist’s series. No two dolls are alike.
Sam is based in New York City and conducts make-your-own-doll workshops for special events, personal appearances…and parties!